Are Home Remedies a Good Option for Eye Care? ~ Eye Care and Eye Wear in New York

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Are Home Remedies a Good Option for Eye Care?

Home remedies may or may not be a good way to care for your eyes. Before you use any type of home remedy, it is incredibly important for you to learn what is in it and why it is effective at the specific need you have. However, there is some great news for those who are looking for ways to prevent eye disease or vision problems. All natural treatments and preventative remedies can be highly effective.

To maintain proper eye care, three simple things you can do will keep the doctor away:
  1. Eat an antioxidant rich diet. This means a lot of fruit and vegetables of various colors. The key is that antioxidants found within these vitamin rich foods will help your eyes to remain healthy. Even if you do experience infections, for example, with the right diet, you will see improved overall health.
  2. Avoid sunlight directly on the eyes. You may use skin lotions for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, but are you using eyewear that will also prevent your eyes from being attacked by the sun? You should always wear sunglasses with UV protection while in direct sunlight.
  3. Avoid smoking. The ingredients in cigarettes and other similar products will affect your eye health. More so, it can lead to sagging and baggy looking skin around the eyes.

Natural Remedies for Eye Health

Natural solutions are available to help promote healthy vision and they can improve the long term health of your eyes. You will find quality products that can provide you with some improvements to conditions you already have, too. Both herbal and homeopathic methods and remedies are available to help you in this way. However, in order for them to work well, they need to come from a reputable company specializing in herbal products.

One example of how simple herbs can improve your eye health is the product bilberry, or Vaccinium myrtillus. This herb has the ability to strengthen eye capillaries. This can help to fight off infection while also helping to prevent other eye related disease.

Rooibos, or Aspalathus linearis is another option. These are antioxidants that are known to provide improvement to the eyes by supplying the eyes with a healthy, oxygen rich supply of blood and essential nutrients. Free radicals, which are elements within your body that lead to disease and complications, are flushed away with this antioxidant.

Of course, you have heard that carrots are good for eyesight. The good news is that this is one of the simplest and most effective treatments out there. Because of the beta carotene in them, carrots provide your eyes with one of the most important vitamins for them. All you have to do is to eat them to get these results.

As you can see, there are numerous methods available that will help you to improve your overall eye health. Do not over the use of medications or treatments prescribed by your eye doctor, but do consider some alternative treatments as well.
Call 607-754-8670 to schedule an appointment at our New York eye doctors office in Endicott, NY!

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